• Vong Reaksmey
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  • Things I wish I had known before Entering Architecture school

Things I wish I had known before Entering Architecture school

Dear my beloved Architecture Student Friends

As I reflect on my journey through architecture school, I am compelled to share some insights that I wish I had known before embarking on this challenging yet rewarding path. My hope is that these reflections will serve as a guiding light for you as you prepare to enter the world of architecture education.


Firstly, understand that architecture school is not just about learning to design buildings; it's a comprehensive education that will challenge your perception of space, form, and function. It will push you to think critically and creatively in ways you may not have experienced before. Embrace this challenge with an open mind and a willingness to explore new ideas.

Time management is crucial. The workload can be intense, with multiple projects running concurrently. Prioritize your tasks, set realistic goals, and don't hesitate to seek advice from peers or professors when you're feeling overwhelmed. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint; maintaining a healthy work-life balance is key to your success and well-being.


Collaboration is at the heart of architectural practice, and the same holds true in architecture school. Engage with your classmates, learn from their perspectives, and be open to constructive criticism. These interactions will not only improve your work but also build lasting professional relationships.

Invest in a good quality laptop and familiarize yourself with the software you'll be using, such as CAD, 3D modeling programs , render software and adobe photoshop,illustator and Indesign, These tools will be indispensable throughout your studies and future career. Additionally, a reliable backup system for your digital work is non-negotiable. Regularly save your progress to avoid the heartache of lost work due to technical failures.

Lastly, take care of yourself. The demands of architecture school can be taxing on both your physical and mental health. Find time for activities that rejuvenate you, whether it's exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. Your health is your most valuable asset; don't neglect it in the pursuit of academic excellence.


In closing, architecture school is a transformative experience that will equip you with the skills and knowledge to shape the built environment. It's a journey of discovery, filled with moments of both triumph and adversity. Go into it with determination, curiosity, and a passion for learning, and you will emerge not just as an architect, but as a visionary ready to make a meaningful impact on the world.


From me

Vong Reaksmey

Hefei University,china

Bachelor degree of Architecture